Government Advice For Landlords
Given the unprecedented circumstances, we would ask for your support to ensure no tenant is evicted because they have suffered financial hardship due to Coronavirus. I hope that you will recognise at this challenging time that landlords must be flexible with tenants facing financial hardship and signpost them to the sources of financial support available.
To further protect tenants in the private rented sector from eviction the government has announced today they intend to take action to make a temporary legislative change to the necessary legislation to amend the mandatory grounds for eviction under the Private Residential Tenancy from 3 months to 6 months. The full details of this were announced in a statement made to Parliament today.
I know that we must get the balance right between protecting tenants and ensuring landlords can
continue to provide housing. I also know that the banks have agreed a three-month mortgage
holiday and commend this - and we urge private landlords who need this facility to apply for it.
However, we do not believe this is enough at this time. Therefore, Ministers have written to UK
Finance and the UK Government urging them to move to providing six-month mortgage holidays
for all mortgages including Buy to Let. We recognise that such a move could help tenants and
landlords across the UK.
We advise all landlords to please consider applying for a mortgage holiday extension now with your lenders . This is due to number of tenants making enquiries regards not being able to pay rent due to works being closed down especially in the Hospitality/Restaurant and Bar Trade. International Students and local students are also returning to home due to there universities being closed and do not expect to return before September.
Please note as the government is making announcements daily it looks as if we shall be in lockdown for 14days as of Friday evening. This shall mean we may not get access to systems in our office to process rentals due in from 28th March until lockdown is over around the 4th April 2020. so please be considerate and understanding we shall endeavour to keep going as long as we are allowed too.
Kind Regards
Avey Mohammed
Property Manager