Almost one in three renters have no intention of ever acquiring their own property, mainly because they are happy living in the private rented sector, new research shows.
A survey of people who rent privately has found that almost 30% of tenants in Scotland do not plan to ever own a property.
The Tenant Research Survey, conducted by SafeDeposits Scotland, asked tenants about their experiences in the private rented sector and their expectations for the future.
Responses showed that as well as many not aiming to own property, 71% said they can see themselves renting for the foreseeable future.
Victoria Smith, Chief Operating Officer of SafeDeposits Scotland, said “What this survey makes clear is that tenants cannot be characterised as a single group of people of a certain age, background or other profile.
“People of all ages and from all walks of life rent for a number of reasons. The responses the survey received revealed that some tenants rent because it works for their educational and professional needs and is flexible – not just because they can’t afford to buy as is a common generalisation.
“Of course, for some people, that is the case, but by no means for all.
“Whether tenancy is an active choice, a long-term or short-term necessity on the way to owning a property, it’s important that tenants understand their rights and responsibilities. The private rented sector in Scotland is diverse and growing. We want to help all parties in the sector to raise standards and ensure that it works for everyone.
“These survey responses and the interest shown in our Tenant Conference indicate that tenants are becoming increasingly engaged in the private rented sector.”
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